News & Articles By Michelle Simmons
By Michelle Simmons
How are your enzymes? Even healthy diets don’t work without them; try these 4 tips to jump-start better digestion
Have you ever wondered why you are not losing weight or why that bloated feeling just won’t go away no matter how much healthy food you eat? You probably need to get your enzymes working to enhance your digestion. Enzymes act as a catalyst in living organisms. In the human body, they play an essential […]
By Michelle Simmons
Paleo diet may lead to iodine deficiency: Are you at risk?
A new study finds that Paleo diet may increase the chances of a person of having iodine deficiency, as reported by Researchers from Kungalv’s Hospital in Sweden find that having a Paleolithic-type of diet, which typically includes foods that could be obtained by hunting and gathering in the past, has led to the development […]
By Michelle Simmons
Keeping your groceries clean: Food safety watchdogs suggest color coding reusable bags to minimize contamination
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) in the United Kingdom suggests shoppers use differently colored reusable bags in carrying their raw food products to prevent food poisoning. “Ideally, you should have enough bags to carry raw foods, ready-to-eat foods, and non-food items such as washing powder separately,” the FSA recommends. Keep enough ‘bags for life’ for raw […]
By Michelle Simmons
Why you should consider drinking tea: It boosts metabolism and, experts now believe, acts as a prebiotic for good gut health
A new study claims that drinking tea without milk can speed up your metabolism and promote good gut health, as reported by The Daily Mail. The researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles studied the relationship of metabolism and tea by conducting an experiment in mice. They divided the mice into four groups and gave […]
By Michelle Simmons
Study finds Mediterranean diet more effective cure for acid reflux than meds
A study found that the Mediterranean diet is a more effective treatment for acid reflux than prescribed medicines, Daily Mail reported. The results of the study, published in JAMA Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, showed that people who ate primarily fish, vegetables, and whole grains, and drank alkaline-heavy water had a greater reduction in their […]
By Michelle Simmons
Treatment with antioxidants may halt progress of neurodegenerative disease such as Parkinson’s
A recent study by scientists from Northwestern University discovered that treating neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease (PD) with antioxidants may halt degeneration and improve neuronal function, as reported by the Science Daily. Moreover, the study, which was published in Science, found that mouse models of PD did not have the same abnormalities that were found […]
By Michelle Simmons
Blood pressure can be significantly lowered in just one month with magnesium, study finds
A study found that everyday magnesium intake significantly reduces blood pressure in a month, reported the Daily Mail. It stated that taking the recommended dose of 300 milligrams (mg) for males lowered hypertension and boosted the flow of blood. Researchers suggested that people who suffer from, or are at-risk of, high blood pressure should consider taking […]
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