News & Articles By Evangelyn Rodriguez
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Study shows EXTRA VIRGIN COCONUT OIL can promote weight loss, reduce body fat and improve liver health
Coconut oil is known for its many beneficial properties, which include anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Highly moisturizing and soothing to the skin, coconut oil is also widely used as an ingredient in many skincare products. In recent years, many people have begun including “extra virgin” (unrefined and typically cold-pressed) coconut oil (EVCO) in their […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Thai black ginger found to delay arthritis progression and suppress inflammation
Kaempferia parviflora, commonly known as Thai black ginger or Thai ginseng, is a medicinal plant that belongs to the ginger family. Native to Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo and the Sumatra island in Indonesia, the rhizome of this herbaceous plant has been used as folk medicine for thousands of years. The Hmong hill tribe, one of the largest ethnic […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Study shows ginger is a potent natural anti-obesity agent
Obesity is a global problem in dire need of concrete solutions. In the United States alone, almost 50 percent of adults are obese. The 2023 State of Obesity Report by Trust for America’s Health, a non-partisan public health organization, reveals that obesity rates are the highest among Black and Latino adults, and that childhood obesity is also on […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Is eating chili peppers the key to a longer life? Studies link chili consumption to lower risk of dying from heart disease, cancer
The fruits of the Capsicum annuum plant, commonly known as red peppers or chili peppers, are one of the most widely used spices in modern cuisine. Famed for their spicy, hot taste that can instantly elevate the flavor of any dish, chili peppers are enjoyed globally and have become a staple of diets in Africa, Asia, some […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Study: Citrus fruits can help you maintain healthy cognitive function as you age
Organic fruits are rich sources of essential vitamins and minerals and beneficial plant compounds. They are also loaded with dietary fiber, which you need to maintain a healthy heart and digestive system, as well as healthy blood sugar levels. Because they’re packed with all these health-giving components, it’s not surprising that experts recommend eating a variety of organic fruits as part […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Curcumin in turmeric found to suppress cancer growth in clinical trials
Turmeric is the rhizome, or underground stem, of Curcuma longa, a plant that belongs to the ginger family. Dubbed the “golden spice” because of its brilliant yellow color, this edible herb is well-known for its many health benefits. As a culinary ingredient, turmeric is widely known as the spice that gives Indian curry its signature hue. It […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Drinking dealcoholized muscadine WINE found to improve skin elasticity in middle-aged and older women
Drinking moderate amounts of red wine has been linked to certain health benefits for the elderly, such as improved good cholesterol and lower blood sugar levels. A recent study by researchers at the University of Florida (UF) just added anti-aging to this list of benefits, noting that daily consumption of dealcoholized wine made from muscadine grapes can improve elasticity and […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
11 Amazing health benefits of avocado leaves
The avocado fruit (Persea americana) is a well-known superfood that offers a variety of health benefits. A rich source of healthy fats and vitamin C, this remarkable fruit is said to protect the heart by lowering bad cholesterol and even helps manage diabetes by suppressing the postprandial rise in blood glucose and insulin. But aside from the fruit, […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
STUDY: Eating foods high in flavonols (like quercetin) can help you stay strong as you age
Frailty is a state of health often experienced by older adults. It is generally characterized by health problems such as loss of muscle mass and strength and constant fatigue. Older people who are frail are vulnerable to sudden changes in their health, which can be triggered by small events such as a change in their environment or […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
STUDY: Compound in coffee and tea can prevent liver cancer cells from spreading
Plants produce a wide variety of chemicals to ensure their survival. Many of these compounds happen to be beneficial to humans because of their outstanding biological properties. For example, plants naturally produce ascorbic acid – also known as vitamin C – because it plays an important role in photosynthesis and is needed for controlling plant cell […]
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